React.js + PHP Login Application Project

React.js + PHP login & singnup application

Here I will share with you a React.js project which is backend based login and registration system that uses PHP API.

Download the React.js Login app

Steps to Setup this Project:

1. Setup the PHP Login API:

First you have to setup the Login & Registration API which is written in PHP as it will be used in this react.js application.

Here is the guild to Setup PHP Login & Registration API.

2. Setup the React.js app:

After completing the setup of PHP API, download or clone the chandan-tudu/react-php-login-app from github.

Then go inside the project folder which is react-php-login-app and run the npm install or pnpm install to install the necessary packages.

Now the project is ready to test. Run the following command to start the application:

npm run dev

# OR

pnpm dev

Information about this application:

npm create vite@latest
npm i react-router-dom


pnpm add react-router-dom
├── components/
│   ├── Login.jsx
│   ├── Register.jsx
│   └── Profile.jsx
├── App.jsx
├── main.jsx
└── index.css